The Holistic Soul Healer

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Flashback Friday - The Golden Self - A Spiritual Story

From AUGUST 17, 2021

It’s a fairly common theme when addressing individuals during sessions, that we discuss and share elements of self awareness and confidence. Somewhere along the timelines of life, someone told many of us that we weren’t quite good enough. Unfortunately in lots of cases, we believed them, and lost aspects of ourselves that were always great.

 Being in contact with our Golden Self, simply takes practice and preferably a daily one.

On a regular basis I stand in front of the mirror and remind myself out loud that I am lovable and worth the time that life has gifted me.

This was something Louise Hay did to become well and strong in her practice to overcome disease.

 Every day I intentionally rub oils and body butters on my skin, feeling the love of self going in through the skin layers, which is the largest breathing organ in the body. There are several advantages to this. One is my skin is younger and more glowing than many people who live in a sunny, warm place. Another is that it’s like creating a home spa experience on a regular basis.

One of the best reasons of all, however, is that rubbing oils and body butters into my skin from head to toe, allows me the opportunity to physically love and respect the body I’m wearing.

There are other aspects to acknowledging and loving the Golden Self, and many of these come under the umbrella of spiritual growth, enlightenment and stepping into more self wisdom every chance we can get.

 When I traveled around the World at 20 years old, I met the Golden Buddha statue in Bangkok, Thailand. He was huge, completely covered in Gold and very beautiful.

He was Gold on the outside to the human eye, and we are even brighter gold on the inside, often hidden from the World.

 I love this Native American saying:

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Love & Blessings,


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