The Holistic Soul Healer

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Fear - A Spiritual Story

It’s been extremely unusual for me to meet anyone who has not had some experience with fear. Most of us have at one point or another brushed with fear. In many cases, our fabulous ego has kept us safe, with a mere warning of danger lurking ahead. Those feelings and senses are always worth listening to.

I feel that the guidance work often helps move individuals and groups from fear to love. Sometimes it takes quite a while to accomplish this, and will often require self work to get to the other side of fear.

I want to address some fears as our friend. I remember driving to a retreat, with a girl friend, from Southern California to Northern California, in a not so reliable sports car. It tended to overheat, so every so many miles we stopped and filled it with water, in the shade, cooled it down, drank some water ourselves and then kept going.

Needless to say, I didn’t keep that car very long after our road trip. At one point we started to stop at a convenience store. It was a Friday and there were several men standing outside, drinking alcohol through paper bags, staring at us two young women a little like wolves in red riding hood stories. I looked at my friend and suggested we change our stop to somewhere with a different outdoor scene. As we drove away, I felt relieved and she realized we had left a potential hazard. A little fear in this case was a worthy preventative measure.

One of the more senior clients I could never reach properly, was one who had left her homeland and spent much of her life missing it.  She bemoaned her current existence in her new land, always looking over the shoulder at what she had left behind. She was too fear filled to go back and start again ( perfectly understandable) yet sad, because at some point you simply have to make peace with where you’ve chosen to be. In most case it’s our responsibility to know that our life is our choice.

We spent a great deal of time persuading her that her life was blessed and had ease and family around her that were inclusive and fun. She was still in fear of what she declared that she wanted and yet didn’t have the courage to go after it. Her life was driven by fear and not by the love of what she wished for in her heart.

It’s too easy to lead by fear and not by love.

It’s way better to lead by the heart.

The wisdom of the heart moves us forward and fear literally stops us in our tracks if we allow it.

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Love & Blessings,


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