The Holistic Soul Healer

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Messengers - A Spiritual Story

I’ve definitely learned over the years to listen to messengers, that come through in all kinds of forms. Random strangers have told me things, and I watched them carefully, noting that they almost didn’t know what they were saying. The messages in these cases were profound. Then of course, there are the messengers from other realms, beyond this earth plane.

I remember going regularly to my local New England YMCA to swim indoors. I saw the same hardy people, getting their exercise, and we would nod in some cases, while others would pass short conversations while we prepared for our silent pool time. I swam laps, with my pink hat covering my ears and hair. I got lots of messages during those times.

One of my messenger times got confirmed with a woman who gradually became a dear, life long friend. I was swimming and on the side of the pool gathered a group of spiritual beings that were not of this World. They stood in line introducing themselves to me. There was a tall grey being, a shorter pink one, a white one that was misty, a pale blue soft being and a green one. They had long features and hard to describe single features.

They were what we would call aliens, and I’d had very little connection to these beings before this time. Months later I went to dinner while visiting Ohio on business. The woman I had begun to really appreciate as a friend, sat and we began to speak of some of our experiences. I began to share that recently at the pool, I had met a whole group of aliens. She asked if I could draw them. That restaurant had paper tablecloths and gave out crayons. I drew the beings, describing their true colors. When I’d finished, she showed me her phone. I gasped and we both looked at each other in astonished recognition. Her drawings on her phone were exactly like mine on the tablecloth in front of us.

There were other people at the table. Their conversation had stopped, while they stared at our conversation, which just got extremely interesting, to say the least. She is one of my dearest friends, and a trusted source for my own earth questions and spiritual needs of communication. We really need each other to be in the same or very similar alignment, to help decode the messages we are receiving whether we notice them or not.

That same pool gave me many gifts of insights and messages from all kinds of spiritual depths. There is something vastly Divine about being alone in a World with the elements, yourself and Divine wisdom. This becomes a great time to be connected and I highly recommend it for us all.

I continue to seek the silent times with just me, Divine and nature.

This is more often than not where messengers find me, and where I’m in a space to listen and really hear them.

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Love & Blessings,


Get personal with your Angels!!
Connect with me and see what they have to say!!