The Holistic Soul Healer

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Sweet Life - A Spiritual Story

There are times in our lives when the nectar of our reality is so dear and sweet. We deserve to build life around those sweet moments so that the groove is set to sweet, to help counter balance the bitter ones of loss and pain. In a whole life, unless we are the walking dead ( not my audience) there’s going to be ups and downs. I do love experiencing a sweet life, and I’m definitely not so keen on the bitter parts at all.

As I step more and more into my golden years, I can honestly look behind me, and there is more sweet than bitter. The imbalance of this is awesome as far as I’m concerned. I’ve more often than not loved life rather than endured it. There have been moments which were particularly sweet, that I will now share………..

While my children were going to school across the road from our home north of Santa Barbara, in horse and wine country, I was asked to get involved in a school project of painting a mural on the playground wall. The children were asked to paint ideas that they wished to see on that wall, and we would choose the best, then translate it with a projector and commercial pencils to the wall. Then fill it in. This seemed like a great project and I was all for it.

There were going to be parents and children all standing at the wall making it happen, apparently. Ideas gathered, I borrowed a step ladder and penciled in the wall, with a projector sending the images of the collective art to be copied. The outline was fantastic and with weary arms and legs, it was ready to fill. I showed up day after day, with nobody else. Occasionally a child would appear, mostly to get out of being in class, but mostly it was me and my headphones filled with great music, at the wall, day after day, doing the mural all on my own. I finished it and got applauded. I felt like it was a lot of work for very little. I was happy when it was complete. I was in no rush to do that again. A sweet yet tiring reality. That wall is still there however, and nobody knows who actually did it (except me.)

This wasn’t to be the only time however.

At one point, my local temple were inviting ideas from their congregants, to share art possibilities to go on a blank concrete wall, where the children played outside. I instantly had an idea for Noah’s ark, and rather than simply send a written design, I painted it on a regular size A4 art paper. It looked really good as I handed it in to the temple co-ordinator. She lit up like a Christmas tree and within a week my design was the one they chose and were preparing to be painting on that wall. This was the Universe granting me both sides of the same experience. I love when that happens.

They asked me to oversee the design, which was quite a commitment. Three days a week for a month to get the painting up on the wall, with an art specialist and instructor and the teenagers of that temple. I had no idea that I would get my hands dirty, or at least covered in paint. I had my own children, my mum, the bossy and slightly stern art instructor and a whole bucket of teens painting the wall, with Beatles music playing loudly behind us. There was something so sweet about that time. The teens were lovely, fun and respectful. My own children loved being around them all, and my mum was in her element.

The wall looked great and lasted a few years until they tore the wall down to make room for a larger temple building. It was another simple reminder that everything is temporary, and to enjoy the sweet experience while it lasts.

During that time I felt close to all the kids, knowing them by name. I got close to the art instructor, who melted her stern demeanor with laughter and conversation while we all painted and chatted and sang to the such familiar songs. We painted a sweet story of life in the past, while we created a sweet story of life in the present. This is the power of creativity.

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Love & Blessings,


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