The Holistic Soul Healer

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Shiny You- A Spiritual Story

With over 30 years of fabulous, interesting clients, I’ve had the great good fortune of meeting plenty of shiny individuals. I thank each and every one of you that is reading this, because without you, this newsletter and spiritual stories wouldn’t exist. It’s you that makes it so very special.

Every time I have a subject matter, I then travel back through the file cabinet of my mind and heart, to pull up a story that matches the title, with the faith that the story telling will have something of an impact on you. Remembering the stories has a sweet and warming impact on me every single time I put finger to keyboard (it used to be pen to paper, but those days are over).

So often the greatest of challenges, becomes the big gifts in life too.

Jeff and I were leading a 2 day intensive on the beautiful island of Maui. Our client presented as a woman, with the preferred request to be treated in a gender-less manner. While both Jeff and I love the diversity, we were definitely not one bit practiced at not referring to our student as “she” and we slipped up loads over the 2 days. The being that showed up regardless of the gender preferences that we so clumsily tripped over, was completely wonderful.

I hope some of you who are reading this, appreciate how amazing you are when you inspire us old timers of gender narrowness, to find out how to address you in ways that go beyond the limitations. It was a great challenge for us, and we each felt we reached this very “Shiny” individual, with wisdom that hit home, teachings that were more than usable, and philosophies that could be taken into the rest of this person’s life.

Even here I am conscious of not referring to our shiny individual as “She”.  Honestly this being was presenting as a petite and quite beautiful human, yet showing us what a huge model of a spirit looked like, who was having a powerful teaching human expression, to grow all of us, without specifying gender. We had the further opportunity to conduct a personal growth session with a family member and the understanding, love, nurturing and communication grew between them over two sessions. It happened right before our facilitating eyes. We were filled with wonder on what our humanity is actually capable of and we continued to respect the boundaries of our gender free human, who wanted to love and be loved without labels.

This work has always been such a gift, and never any more evident than with our shiny client, lighting the way above prejudice, limitation and societal pitfalls.

I thank all of our gender free individuals, who are making a statement beyond how society has dictated how we should show up. I feel a shiny new humanity has the opportunity to emerge in the next generations. I welcome and celebrate it.

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Love & Blessings,


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