The Holistic Soul Healer

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Best Choices - A Spiritual Story

Life is filled with so many choices, in every moment, every single day.

We choose how we awaken, what we wear, eat, drink, wash, and move about our day.

These may seem to be the minor, less important choices we can make, and yet every single one of our decisions has a roll out impact on everything else that occurs as a direct or indirect result. Life is such an amazing vehicle to move our spirits forward, that we can easily forget more basic truths, which will hold us responsible. When we take responsibility for every decision that we choose physically in every moment, it becomes important to create intention every day, every way in all things and each experience we partner with. It’s always so helpful to illustrate “Best Choices” with stories of how this can impact us, based on real people who made decisions that positively improved their lives.

One of many healing stories that crossed my intentional path happened in a sweet little British salon. At that time, I had two young children at school, and was a single mummy, working days at an insurance company, and seeking the “real” work for massage and healing opportunities at a salon or yoga space in the evenings and weekends. I literally opened the old fashioned thick book of a yellow page directory, and rang several salons and yoga studios to see where I could potentially bring me and the guided work to. Most places were short, sharp and completely disinterested, but like most things in life, with enough persistence, a couple of spa salons allowed me to interview.

One of them was a beauty salon, providing skin care, held in a small cottage, led by a husband and wife team, who greeted me with a certain degree of enthusiasm, and a slight warning that if their therapists wanted me there they would welcome me in, and if the beauticians didn’t feel I was a good fit, I was out. Their two skin care providers were young, lovely women, who didn’t like or trust me at all. It was decided that I would return and provide them with a foot massage and reflexology session before the decision was going to be made.

The first young woman came in and laid face up on the massage table, with her feet presented to my hands, as I sat, eyes closed, calling in all the Masters of the whole Universe. I was massaging, sending love, clearing energy and so completely engrossed, I barely noticed where I was, who I was working with or anything else. I was in the “zone.”  I could hear something that gently pulled me out of my magical land, and it was the quiet sniffles of a young woman weeping openly. She couldn’t hold it back and it surprised her. Actually it surprised me too. She then told me the story behind the tears, that she felt distant from the other therapist, who was cooler toward her, and the grief of that distance was so powerful, she could barely stand it. She hadn’t realized all that feeling was sitting inside of her, yet she was obviously recently missing the close, kinder energy of her sweet friend and co-worker.

They hadn’t fallen out, or had a big argument at all, and instead, they had simply drifted apart, and become cooler and more distant toward each other. It was worse than an actual situation for her, because there wasn’t a clear, distinct reason for it. She cried and talked it out, with a decision at the end of our session, that she would re-enact the regular lunches they used to take, and sort out the relationship, so that they could see if restoration was possible.

I let her know that I felt strongly from the guides that all would be well, and it was simply a small misunderstanding that had grown into something much bigger, due to the lack of communication. Once a great conversation was created, expressing how much she valued her friend and co-worker, all would be wonderful and even better than before.

I was only there once a week and I watched their relationship blossom into something giggly, sweet and warm. It warmed my heart to be a witness of this great development.

Before this happened the other therapist came in for her session, and she also wept, except her weeping was connected to her fiancée who had cold feet. I let her know that the Masters of the Universe showed me that he was destined to be her husband, and all would unfold beautifully, without question. Some of the distance that had been created with her and her co-worker was due to her concerns and fears around her private life and personal relationship. She had created distance because she didn’t wish to be vulnerable with her co-worker. What she hadn’t realized was that the distance was more painful to her co-worker, than any vulnerability she could have ever shared.

When they both understood what was going on, the problem solved, they were at a much deeper level of trusted friendship between them, and the relationship on all layers was greater than it had ever been before.

Needless to say, the choices they were able to make with each other, helped to decide for them, that I was a great addition to their sweet little salon family. The second therapist could barely wait for the opportunity to send her fiancée in to see me, to help him make the right choice to marry her, and to literally warm up the marital choices of his “cold feet” with the reflexology session. They have now been married over 22 years, with a gorgeous family. Best Choice Ever!!!

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Love & Blessings,


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