The Holistic Soul Healer

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ArchAngel Uriel - A Spiritual Story

ArchAngel Uriel is one of the major ArchAngels, recognized by all faiths. His name means “Fire of God” and he carries a book, a scroll and a flaming sword, a disc of the sun and a celestial orb, a disc of stars and constellations.

He is the keeper of knowledge and ancient scrolls. He ministers Grace and leads armies with ArchAngel Michael.

He is often considered the Angel of repentance, where the burning away of that which we don’t need anymore is changed with alchemy in his sword of fire.

He is the Angel of wisdom, shining the light of truth to help light our way.

He also represents service to others, which is always a good idea.

Perhaps because my name is Ruth and I often think of my name as T -RUTH and pronounced Ruth without the T, I feel a great deal of responsibility to own my own truth, and be honest at least with myself.

When I call in the Angels to support or guide me, and especially when working with inspiring others, I call in the four major Angels, ArchAngel Uriel, ArchAngel Gabriel, ArchAngel Michael and ArchAngel Raphael. It then feels like I’ve got all corners covered.

Sometimes I need them more than others.

I need them when my energy is low, or when I am disheartened by what I can witness in the World at large. Sometimes I call them in when I need a sweet reminder of who I am and that my life matters on a larger scale than simple every day life.

I really love my relationship with the Angels and ArchAngels.

I feel their support and love for me.

I feel their love for the people I am guided to serve.

I have had direct experiences with the room filling with Angelic wisdom. Other people have also felt and witnessed their presence in either bodywork, healing or some of the readings.

This life journey is profound and when we can allow space and time for bigger spiritual influences, it simply gets much better.

There have been times when I’ve missed the mark, been off base and not made the difference I wanted, and they’ve been there even more in those times than at any other.

One of these examples was when my mum got diagnosed with a major cancerous tumor in the back of her nasal cavity, which lost her half her face. I turned to the Angels as I felt I’d missed any clues to help me heal her ahead of time. She lived for many years after the surgery, but she lost her feminine feeling of personal beauty. She looked even more beautiful to me, but she was sad that her face was greatly diminished from the one she had worn most of her life.

The ArchAngels gave me strength to help her overcome and life the rest of her life with a great attitude.

I call them in every day and she is now with them. Lucky them.

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Love & Blessings,


Get personal with your Angels!!
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