The Holistic Soul Healer

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Movement Video Message

We can’t simply move our mind forward if we aren’t moving the body as well. It’s also not balanced if we are moving our mind and it’s not engaged with the body.

The yin and yang is about us balancing the Yin - the inner, deep Divine Feminine work and the yang, the outers, sunny work of the Divine Masculine. We are each both Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. They both have a place within our beings, and when we feed both in equal measure, we have more balance and understanding of the way the World operates.

Life is meant to move our hearts, to make us feel, taste, smell, listen, see and hear Universal truths at profound levels.

If we aren’t moving we are stagnant and we deserve to invoke movement and life force energy rather than anything less.

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Love & Blessings,


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