The Holistic Soul Healer

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Purpose - A Spiritual Story

This one is an interesting one…………

One of my first healing centers was in a little town north of Santa Barbara. I was in an odd partnership with a partner who didn’t really want to share the business at all. Eventually (it took me 9 months to get a clue) I left her with the business, and to her credit she paid me back every penny we had given her to open it.

We had a large premises over a small church. We were mostly closed on a Sunday when they were singing and banging their drums with a live band. It was somewhat ideal.

On one side of our center was a tiny little office.

I found some healers and amongst them was a celebrity’s daughter. She wanted to rent the shop and become independent of her mother, who was on a live tv craft show, every day. She chose to write a 6-month lease in her own name, with a lady to run it. She was to open an “Angel shop.” She filled every wall with shelves, holding candles, colorful aura bottles, lit fountains and magical clay beings. She hung fairies and small Angels from the ceiling.

Every crevice was full of great stuff. It was tough to walk into that little treasure chest of magical items, and not walk out with arms full. We openly encouraged our family of clients to walk in through the doorway to the center and walk out through the door of the Angel shop.  

Her business was flourishing.

It helped that it was so tiny that she always looked busy, and often people were standing outside waiting to get in and buy something very special.

I myself owned a fountain with lights and an Angel and I had trinkets and small treasures from her shop every week. She had done a truly lovely job.

She seemed much happier. She was on purpose for herself and not just helping her tv mum.

I loved having her shop there, run by a sweet lady who really needed the work.

Our center was running classes, mostly led by me in the evenings, when my partner had gone home. One of the reasons I held those classes was to keep me on purpose as my partner kept every client that walked into the healing center. She wasn’t good at sharing and because of her insecurities, she even took as her own clients, the people I’d brought in from my own efforts.

The classes were my only resource she didn’t interfere with.

We were just about at the timeline, to get the next 6 months signed with the Angel shop, which was a huge success for us and them.

The Angel shop owner glimpsed the people dropping in for a meditation class one evening. It was a fairly full house with perhaps 15 people or more.

Within a week, flyers had gone up in the Angel shop to offer classes and let everyone know they were moving to a larger location.

I was so sad.

She moved and offered classes in the exact same manner that we had offered ours.

The new, large location tanked within 3 months.

It was too big and way less friendly.

I would have shared classes.

I knew my purpose. She didn’t have to compete. None of us do.

We can work together for the greater good. We hurt ourselves and each other when we forget to support each other in being on purpose. She was so used to competing with her mother, that she thought she needed to also compete with me.

Being on purpose is for all of us to express who we are and join hands to help each other do the same. We deserve to give each other the chance to share and collaborate rather than compete.

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Love & Blessings,


Get personal with your Angels!!
Connect with me and see what they have to say!!