The Holistic Soul Healer

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Divine Love - A Spiritual Story

I am pretty excited to share a love story I never thought I’d write while in this body.

Life has certainly been more than a little interesting. I’ve both loved and endured years of this journey we call living. I’ve loved and been loved and yet I’ve been left wanting. One of my big soul lessons was to become a Master at letting go.

Some years ago I began getting visions of a man. He would walk slowly with his back to me. I could see wavy salt and pepper hair, broad shoulders, and a stocky build. He was looking for me too. His shoulders were slightly slumped in a certain amount of despair, like he’d had his own great challenges. I could almost hear his big belly laugh and I knew that if I could ever meet him, he would bring me great joy.

There has always been an ancient knowing with people I have met in this life, that I knew them before. Sometimes I knew exactly where and how I knew them, and other times I couldn’t place them at all, and simply knew them by heart instead.

I knew I would know this man.

I knew that if we got to truly meet, there would be a familiar place to land with him that I would not have known with anyone else, ever.

Love with a family had somewhat eluded me.

My own siblings were all over the map with their love and behavior.

My father was unavailable emotionally and laughed out loud at me spiritually when I shared wisdoms I was learning.

My first husband was gone. He left all day to work. He didn’t come straight home and had a life without me. Eventually I accepted and we went our separate ways.

In life people often choose the person they wish to stand with in a divorce. His children chose him. They stopped being my children. They were happy to be his. I had to learn to let go.

The only person I was able to fully love and hold in life was my mother. My mum was a great love of my life and I cherished our time together. We drew closer and closer over the years. Her other children were distant to say the least, and everyone in my reality was more than distant. She and I grew toward each other. It became one of life’s greatest gifts. The power of one person you deeply love that really really loves you, is exquisite. It allows all the lesser ones to fade in comparison.

I found myself choosing to live in Maui, Hawaii, following guidance by several wise ones. I took the hint. I met my man. I had the feeling he was the man in the duster coat. His eyes were light and shiny. He showed me his soft side quickly. He was also in a messy place physically and financially. We split.

He didn’t give up.

I gave him a second chance. We split again.

He still didn’t give up. He knew before I did. He met all the criteria I threw at him. I threw quite a bit. He met all of it. I agreed and completely surrendered. He stepped all the way in just as my mum left my physical life. He became the great love I had always imagined was possible.

I allowed myself to be deeply loved by him.  Romance, laughter, joy and friendship emanated from this man, whose whole demeanor echoed generosity and kindness. I had wished he would turn and face me. I knew he had light colored eyes and soft, gentle features. I knew he was broad and heavy set. I knew he only had eyes for me. I felt adored and loved by him. I realized this man was THE man.

I am now experiencing Divine love here on earth. I believed it was possible. Now I know it is.

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Love & Blessings,


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