The Holistic Soul Healer

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Patience - A Spiritual Story

When I look up the word “patience” it is described as the capacity to accept/tolerate without becoming angry or upset.

Patience hasn’t exactly been a great virtue of mine in the past.

However, I’ve made great strides to the patient present, leading to a way more patient future.

It’s funny how the very thing you seem to lack is the very thing you find yourself needing the most, and often being more tested on to prove you’re going to master the darned quality.

Patience has tended to be this truth for me.

During a course of a spiritually unfolding life, there are often many times of “voids.”

These are times when nothing you wish for is actively occurring and you feel a great emptiness in the place of fruitful accomplishments.

The voids are mentioned in lots of spiritual texts and seem like a walk in the park, until you’re standing in them, and nothing is moving. All is still and you can't make anything happen no matter how hard you try.

This is when we are supposed to let go, stop trying, don’t sweat the things we are trying to create. This is when we learn the most patience of all.

I’ve had quite a few of these.

One of my biggest times is now one of my favorite memories of all.

I had just left a large, growing healing center that I was running with my mum beside me. The partner I had attracted wasn’t as good at sharing and I couldn’t stay in a business with nothing to do any longer. The partner I just left, told any and all future clients that I was no longer doing healing work, and so everyone went away or went to see her.

My mum and I walked an hour every day, discussing what I could do next, while I was wringing out my options or lack of them.

A new opportunity eventually arose out of the ashes of nothing. Before it could I first had to let go of where I’d been.

I first had to release any conditions that held me to a past that was not supposed to be mine any longer.

It took a state of Grace, Faith and trust to reach that point.

Patience would have needed to be there in a state of frustration, yet it didn’t in the face of trusting that if I was gifted enough to call in space between realities, I was also gifted enough to have something valuable show up to use my gifts on.

I knew there were lives to touch, hearts to reach and minds to help open, even while I walked every day in the void.

Then instead of working on one client at a time, I was offered the chance to teach spiritual massage and healing with a class filled with 30 students several days a week.

Patience more than paid off as it usually does.

It’s a great word and it covers so many eventualities in daily life.

Patience can be a tripping word if we aren’t careful, because we can fall over our truth regarding it.

I haven’t been at my best with this word, because I tend to be a bit of a doer and that means I’ve not been so great at practicing the waiting game.

I’ve worked on it a lot and I’m way better at it than I used to be.

I also had a tendency to assume people weren’t being mindful instead of the fact that they often had a completely different mindset than whatever I was holding them to.

I have realized that the assumptions create all kinds of odd realities, including impatience.

I definitely wish to do better and keep improving this area.

Being patient also creates being kind.

Kindness matters.

So, what does being patient mean?

It’s a form of self- restraint, self-control and being closer to compassion, slower to anger and more understanding toward each other.

Patience can have an ignorant view, were we aren’t seeing someone else’s perspective. Instead we can practice a willingness to be without restlessness and be at peace with any delays that may occur.

We move away from frustration and intolerance, into slowing down our processing of all things, and enjoying the journey without rushing to our destination.

Patience releases the struggle, instead settling into the joy of life, experiencing the beauty of each moment, with a confidence of inviting wisdom and decision.

Patience allows us to pause for thought, grants space for the heart to consider, and allows us to notice where we are in the now.

Patience can act as our best friend, giving us time to fully experience our life path.

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Love & Blessings,


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