The Holistic Soul Healer

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The question of freedom is worth asking, especially during the beginning of July. Freedom means something quite different for each of us. We have seen it proven that someone can be jailed for several years, confined to a small space, and yet be able to discover the freedom from within quite quickly, while someone else can have all the space and time to go where they wish, and yet they continue to feel trapped.

Life offers us choices in most cases, and it’s up to us to exercise our options every day in every way. Being stuck is also a choice we can decide to stand in, or we can take responsibility to move within and potentially beyond the reality we have chosen, regardless of what that is.

Freedom is a huge topic for anyone who lives within the 50 United States, and lest we forget, we are reminded every 4th July that it’s the destiny of America to continue to seek and find its freedom. Living in the United States is about experiencing freedom if we choose to be attentive.

I often ask the question is the United States actually United and is the freedom we enjoy as free as it can be? Is there more opportunity for even greater freedom than we are already experiencing?

Freedom can be scary too.  I have guided others who had so many choices that they literally felt stopped or paralyzed with the fear of making the wrong one.   Here is a story of someone beautiful who wasn’t making a conscious choice from the present life she is living. Instead she was operating her decisions from a older life time and from a different part of her fractured being that had walked the earth before. This could be a great attention getter, let us know how this story resonates with you………………

A beautiful European woman recently came to me, asking about a life that simply wasn’t moving forward. In spite of the fact that the earth is constantly rotating, she was convinced that her life wasn’t and she had no idea what to do about it. She had been seeing a counselor and enjoyed her work and home, although she didn’t love any of it. Life was just O.K. and certainly not great.

I was guided to give her homework to help move her and she was determined to complete all assignments.

She contacted me a few weeks ago, with desperation in her voice as nothing was sticking. Everything she had tried wasn’t making a notable difference or any difference at all.

We set another session a few days ago.

It became obvious that we needed to go to a past life. There was an old man imprinted on her existing body. He wasn’t unkind or bad in any way, he was simply stuck to her current body and it was stopping her on all levels, including bringing in a loving relationship.

We gently invited him to move on and allow her to fully embody her own life.

He readily agreed and she came into her body and her life fully.

She has now started to experience romance with herself and others, she is also enjoying the freedom to write with her amazing talent, to connect more with everyone and everything with the love of life she always wanted and could never have.

He had stopped her in all areas.

She is now free to be and do anything she wants. There was so much joy in our last call. She had even experienced a great fling. She laughed easily and felt more alive than she could ever remember. She is FREE!

Please share, in the comments section below, your experiences and stories below as to how you, or people in your life, have overcome obstacles in life to attain FREEDOM! It often helps us all when we can read and relate the experiences of others to our own. It can provide the keys to unlocking our hidden abilities to activate change in our own lives!!

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Love & Blessings,

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