The Holistic Soul Healer

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Sentient Beings of Light

On our earth plane there are sentient beings of light. In the dictionary sentient means having the ability to perceive or feel things, which of course we can all do. Some of us are physically in and of this World, while many are from other realms and not of this World at all.

It's so funny that we entertain other Worlds, cultures, planets and yet when we discuss this as a reality and not a fantasy, it seems off the radar in mainstream society.

In more spiritual circles, we have not only met with sentient beings from other realities, and many of us often know a few of them personally. It's not at all out of the box or unrealistic as far as we are concerned. There is more photographic and physical evidence of other realms connecting with us. I am a spiritual conductor of energy. I track it and follow it's source and message. Most of us come with one or several messages to bring to this earth. Most of the messages of truth come with inspiration and love. Some messages are warnings to change our selfish human ways, to open our hearts, be more mindful in our communication and generally make the earth a better place where possible. I'm certainly committed to that.

What else is there beyond making a difference for the betterment of life while we are here?

The photograph with this article shows a sweet sentient being who is copying my actions of standing with arms out, celebrating life.

The photo was taken at the fantastic McCloud waterfalls near Mt. Shasta. The location is off of highway 89 and it's worth checking before traveling there as it can close. Mt. Shasta is a very well known spot on the map of places in the World that are on the spiritual grid system - a vortex of huge wisdom beyond our human understanding, and full of open portals of immense energy. I have experienced the massive silence of the Mt. Shasta range, a  mountain with a personality, that has a heart sketched into it.

The day I went there, was with two ladies. We all sneaked out of a heavy conference, I wasn't enjoying at all.

 The conference was dedicated to "walk-ins."

I asked a couple of different spiritual authorities,some time ago about walk-ins and got confirmation that explained it as follows:

Basically it is known by many spiritual beings here on earth that spirits can walk in and out of a physical body, with and sometimes without permission. I know that can give us something else to worry about, except that if we are holding our body strong and with reason for being, it's very challenging for any foreign spirit to come in at all.

What can help a walk-in to show up?

Drinking spirits, smoking too much, taking drugs, and other behaviors that allow us to escape too much from our own bodies, attribute to escape mechanisms, which can then act as a doorway to allow other beings to step in and take over the body as it's host. I've seen it and have helped clients and others to cast out unwanted spirits.

The body is our host, we just have to make sure we are living within it. I was offered the opportunity to go fully sponsored, to the conference with a few people, including a very obvious and quite kind alien in our party. I didn't realize it was a "walk-in" conference and found myself not liking being there at all. There was some ego and a congratulatory air in the room led by the  people who were leading the conference. They were very confident about what they'd accomplished, and felt awfully clever for taking over bodies to have their fun and recognition here on earth. There was a definite disregard for the bodies they basically snatched. After a day of listening to them, I'd had enough and wanted to go home. I was seeking better options, and remembered going to some amazing waterfalls a while back when I lived in Mt. Shasta for a few months. It was decided by me and I encouraged a couple of ladies to join me.

 I preferred stepping out to the waterfalls, cleansing the sticky energy I'd been feeling. When we got to the woods and gorgeous tall trees, I stood still and gave thanks. This is where I said a prayer, asking for forgiveness for myself and anything I'd ever done to disregard anyone else and begged forgiveness for the holders of the conference.

The Angels and Sentient beings showed up immediately after that prayer. My friend captured the photos on her iPad,which didn't show up when we looked at it. The photos only showed up after the fact.

We had a very special day, strengthening all of us, allowing us to step in and complete, as the next day was the last of the odd conference that I was happy to leave behind.

 There are more photos of this and other articles relating to the journeys of spiritual awakening, posted on my site.
